Spinal manipulation is a unique form of hands-on treatment (manual therapy) that is distinct from other forms of manual therapy such as massage and mobilization. While chiropractors sometimes refer to spinal manipulation as an “adjustment” or part of an adjustment, the term “spinal manipulation” is easier to define, more precise, and more widely used worldwide.
Spinal manipulation is the application of a force (a quick, shallow thrust) to spinal joints that moves the target joint or nearby joints slightly beyond their normal range of movement.
Spinal manipulation is often accompanied by an audible “pop.” This is believed to be dissolved gas released from joint fluids by a quick drop in pressure. This gas suddenly joins into small bubbles, making a popping sound. Studies have shown that it is not always necessary to hear the audible pop for a spinal manipulation to be effective.
The goal of spinal manipulation is to reduce pain in and restore function to mechanical disorders of the spinal column.
Your chiropractor is trained in this highly specialized form of manual therapy and can determine if your condition is suitable for this type of treatment. Spinal manipulation has been shown to be most effective when coupled with active treatments, such as stretching and exercise, as well as lifestyle modifications.